The client is the leading supplier of digital certificates and software applications for signing and encryption of electronic documents in Romania. The company offers a wide range of qualified certificates, SSL certificates, smart cards, cryptographic devices and authentication solutions. Around 40% of all Romanian companies use its products to electronically sign the official documents that are submitted to the fiscal authorities every month.
We were asked to set up an info line for the client’s main product – the electronic signature. Its customers are mainly companies, medical doctors, notaries, educational institutions and NGOs. Their problems range from simple to very complex situations and the frequency of the phone calls has an uneven daily and monthly distribution.
Together with the client, we’ve analyzed the intra-day call distribution and agreed on a service interval between 8 am and 6 pm. Then, we’ve set up various training sessions for the call center agents that were assigned to this project. We’ve made recordings for welcome messages, busy messages and night messages for the technical setup of the project.
IVR (interactive voice response) is employed to make the communication with the customers more fluid and efficient. Night messages are recorded outside of office hours and dealt with first thing in the morning.
The waiting time for inbound phone calls has dropped to an average of around 20 seconds during peak time and about 5 seconds during normal hours. The users get their answers quickly and accurately, so that calls usually only take about two and a half minutes from start to end. The customer satisfaction has grown over the time to such extent that there are blog posts about how kindly and respectfully our agents treat the customers.
After just a few months, we’ve also taken over the client’s helpdesk service. Thus, the number of calls we handle for this client has more than doubled. Most calls are for level one support, but we also receive and solve a lot of level two support calls.