The client is a major Swiss classified ads website that was launched in 2010. It is available in three languages (German, French and Italian), thus being the biggest in the industry to cover the whole country. The Swiss company is part of a Scandinavian media conglomerate that operates in 27 countries and has over 7,400 employees.
We were asked to provide moderation services for the user-generated content in German, French and Italian. The challenge was to set up and train a large team of agents to review ads in three different languages for 16 hours/day, including weekends and holidays, while complying with the client’s strict requirements for both quality and speed.
Also, the team needed to be scalable and flexible in order to match the website’s fast evolution – about 60% growth in the four months prior to the project’s start date.
We have recruited and trained three different teams, one for each language supported by the website. During the recruitment phase, the client approved each team member individually. Thorough initial training sessions were conducted in collaboration with the client, both before and after the beginning of the project. All subsequent training was then conducted locally by in-house trainers.
The schedule for each language team was constructed to accommodate intra-day workload fluctuations. Since speed is was of great importance, sufficient staff needed to be allocated during all working hours for all three languages.
We are now successfully monitoring a total of 300,000+ classified ads that are active on the website.
All KPIs have improved dramatically just a few months after the beginning of the project. The average reviewing time has dropped to less than 10 minutes. The average error rate has decreased by almost 4 times in about 6 months.
Not long after that, we were asked to also take over the manual filtering of messages sent between buyers and sellers via the website. Moreover, the client has then put us in charge of monitoring the competition by reporting the daily evolution of two other classified ads websites that are active in Switzerland.